
Brothers and sisters in Christ come on my pastor has been working on an ongoing series of biblical exposition based on the book of Revelation. It’s been going on for like two years now, with more than 70 episodes comprising dozens of hours of teaching. It’s so overwhelming. No idea what to do with the…


I’m a Church. So are you. We are all caught up in the idea that ‘Church’ is a place we go to, where professional ‘churchers’ take care of all our ‘Churching’. Or some shit like that. You all, we are the Church. Church isn’t a place… its a state of being. It’s a mindset. Its…


Safety. Okay, so you agree with all the current things, you regurgitate all the approved programming, and that makes you… safe? Nothing is safe. Life isn’t safe. Safety is a myth. I like to cuss for emphasis and thats been a stumbling block between me and my fellow Christians. The Scriptures teach that we shouldnt…