White Jason – @jasonybird
After months of approaching strangers at the park and talking about Jesus stuff out of the blue, God Turned tables on me, sent someone who did it to me.
Hello Christian approached me and sort Of talked about Jesus stuff. Nice enough guy, very mild mannered, I do not consider that a good trait, but whatever. After a relatively decent conversation he wished me a good day and reached out to shake my hand. His hand and shook his hand and I said hey man you have a nice day to come with my first name is Jason. And I looked at him expectantly waiting for him to give me his first name, but he just smiled and nodded at me and said Yeah you have a good day.
Was sort of offended by it, But I did not say anything. Have gotten into the habit of being passive for the most part, and just letting things happen around me.
I think I might need backup. Feeling a little overwhelmed. I’m feeling like the passive approach is not serving this mission well. I think I might need to call white Jason.
Source: White Jason – Shaving Grace 46