Hey folks, it’s Jason with Christ Peer-to-Peer. I just uploaded a deeply unsettling and heartbreaking interview with Ritchie Herron, a man who was deceived into undergoing gender surgery. Listening to his story, you can’t help but feel immense sympathy for him. Ritchie shares how doctors and so-called “experts” led him down a path that he now regrets deeply. His journey is a tragic example of how the world’s ideologies can lead people astray, causing irreversible damage in the process. 😔🙏
The Bible warns us in 1 Peter 5:8 to be vigilant because our adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. This couldn’t be more relevant in Ritchie’s case. The modern world, with its constant push for acceptance of every idea and lifestyle, often ignores the long-term consequences of these choices. As Ritchie explains, he was vulnerable, struggling with deep issues, and instead of being offered true help and healing, he was sold a lie that transitioning would solve his problems.
What makes this even more heartbreaking is the aftermath. Ritchie describes the physical and emotional pain he has endured since the surgery. He talks about the loss of sensation, the shock of waking up from surgery, and the devastating realization that he had made a life-altering mistake. 😢 He was told that transitioning would bring peace, but instead, it has brought him only more suffering.
Isaiah 5:20 warns us, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.” This is exactly what has happened here. The world has twisted the truth, and people like Ritchie are paying the price. His story is a call to return to God’s Word, to seek true healing in Christ, and to be wary of the lies that the world tells us.
Please watch this interview, share it with others, and let it serve as a powerful reminder of the dangers of following the world’s path instead of God’s. Let’s keep Ritchie in our prayers and continue to stand firm in the truth.
#GenderTransition, #Detransition, #WokeCulture, #ChristianPerspective, #1Peter5, #Isaiah5, #FaithInAction, #RitchieHerron, #ChristUnscripted