Hey everyone,
I just uploaded a new video titled “Father’s Day,” and this one’s incredibly personal to me. I share my journey and struggles growing up without a dad, something that shaped a lot of who I am today. It’s raw and real, and I hope it resonates with you.
Growing up, I was mostly raised by the state of Tennessee, bouncing between foster parents, counselors, and kids’ workers. I never had that positive male influence I desperately wanted. My biggest dream was to be a good dad, the kind you spell with capital letters. But life had other plans.
Despite all the women who came and went in my life, I always imagined having a daughter who would love me just for being her dad. I’ve tried to work through my issues for decades, but now, at 44, I find myself in a place where being a dad feels out of reach – financially, socially, and emotionally.
On this Father’s Day, if you are a father, know how blessed you are. Creating a life and being a dad is a wonderful thing, something I’ve always yearned for. If I had a child, I’d probably create a website filled with all the wisdom and knowledge I’d want them to have. It’s not the same, but it’s something.
Check out the video, and let me know your thoughts. Maybe my story will touch someone out there.
#Confession #FathersDay #PersonalJourney #ChristPeerToPeer